 GPS Timing-Code-Based Positioning in Mathematica

Organization: | University of Connecticut |
Department: | Natural Resources Management and Engineering |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver positions are computed from observed timing-code pseudoranges between GPS satellites and the receiver plus the coordinates computed for the satellites at transmission time. The Mathematica code reads observations and satellite ephemerides from RINEX files, computes satellite positions using orbital mechanics, computes and corrects the pseudorange error budget, to compute the final position using a nonlinear least-squares adjustment of the multi-lateration problem. Tests show computed positions agree with published control coordinates within the standard error expected for code-only GPS positioning. Download GPSTimingCodeBasedPositioningInMathematica.nb (60.1 MB) - Mathematica Notebook GPSTimingCodeBasedPositioningInMathematica.cdf (60.1 MB) - CDF Document

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