 Symbolic Computing Package and Its Application to Mathematical Physics

Organization: | Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology, Korea |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 The Symbolic Computing package is a Mathematica add-on package that facilitates symbolic computation in Mathematica. It enables display and interpretation of derivatives, differential vector operators, and brackets using the traditional notation based on the low-level box language and contains more than 500 user-defined functions for manipulation and evaluation of various mathematical expressions. These functions can be categorized into: - Basic Algebra
- Complex Variables
- Differential Calculus
- Display and Graphics
- Elementary Functions
- Equation Solving
- Equations
- Export of Data
- Flow Control
- Formula Manipulation
- Fourier Analysis
- Function Analysis
- Geometry
- Integral Calculus
- Numerical Functions
- Operator Analysis
- Patterns
- Polynomials and Series
- Products
- Rules
- Special Functions
- String Operations
- Summations
- Symbols
- Trigonometric Functions
- Variables
- Vectors and Matrices
The development of the package and application to mathematical physics, especially classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics, will be presented.


| SymbolicComputingPackage.cdf (628.4 KB) - CDF Document | | SymbolicComputingPackage.nb (627.6 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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