 Surface Envelopes for Engineering Applications

 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Applications of envelopes of manifolds (especially surfaces) are presented in the context of mechanical engineering. The mathematical analog of cutting away material to create a useful shape, envelopes find myriad applications where analytically determined, physically derived shapes are required. The generation and exchange of surfaces of envelopes take on greater importance as computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools are able to create surfaces directly from computer aided drawing (CAD) data, and as many mathematically precise surfaces cannot be generated directly by CAD tools. Three steps in the process of generating and using envelope surfaces are discussed: surface generation, interpolation to NURBS form, and parsing to a CAD interchange format.


| SurfaceEnvelopesForEngineeringApplications.cdf (1.3 MB) - CDF Document | | SurfaceEnvelopesForEngineeringApplications.nb (1.3 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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