 Using Mathematica in a Biomedical Statistics Classroom: Blood Glucose Level Analysis

Organization: | Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic |
Department: | Institute of Physics |
Organization: | Silesian University in Opava |
Department: | Institute of Physics |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 This contribution demonstrates an example of the possible use of Mathematica in statistics courses for biomedical students. The text, combined seamlessly with statistical computations using built-in features of Mathematica, provides the students a step-by-step guide through statistical analysis pitfalls using a particular case study: blood glucose measurement of a patient suffering from type 1 (juvenile) diabetes mellitus. Both exploratory and inference analysis are included. Attention is particularly paid to the ability of students to select the correct hypothesis test.


| GlucoLev_1.csv (5.1 KB) - Unknown MIME type | | GlucoLev_2.csv (3 KB) - Unknown MIME type | | UsingMathematicaInABiomedicalStatisticsClassroom.cdf (1.9 MB) - CDF Document | | UsingMathematicaInABiomedicalStatisticsClassroom.nb (1.9 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |