 Application of the Mathematica Software for Analyzing Large Amounts of Data in Teaching Physics

Organization: | Palacký University, Czech Republic |
Department: | Department of Experimental Physics |
Organization: | Palacký University, Czech Republic |
Department: | Department of Experimental Physics |
 Wolfram Technology Conference 2011
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 Collecting and analyzing large amounts of data is an important part of measurement in physics. Processing this data in Mathematica allows students to better understand the physical phenomena. Students will learn to import and export data from different programs and process the measurement results in graphical and numerical form in Mathematica. In the presentation, we will show examples created by students from the Faculty of Science in Olomouc, the Czech Republic.


| AnalyzingLargeAmountsOfDataInTeachingPhysics.cdf (8.7 MB) - CDF Document | | AnalyzingLargeAmountsOfDataInTeachingPhysics.nb (8.7 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |