 Education Workshop

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
 International Mathematica User Conference 2009
 Champaign, Illinois, USA
 This is a half-day workshop providing secondary and community college teachers (or education students) a look at how to integrate Mathematica into their courses. Participants will receive hands-on training in Mathematica and leave with not only an understanding of how to teach with the software, but eligible teachers will receive a Mathematica license to use within their classroom as well. Part 1: Basics of Mathematica (presented by Michael Morrison Part 2: Working with Notebooks (presented by Craig Bauling) Part 3: Using Existing Resources (presented by Andy Dorsett) Part 4: Creating Courseware (presented by Kelvin Mischo)


| andy_dorsett_workshop.nb (736.9 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | craig_bauling_workshop.nb (44.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | kelvin_mischo_workshop.nb (713.4 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | michael_morrison_workshop.nb (700.6 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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