 Recurrent Neural Networks Optimization using Continual Evolution Algorithm in Mathematica Environment

Organization: | Czech Technical University in Prague |
Department: | Computational Intelligence Group Department of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering |
 2007 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign, IL
 Abstract This work is focused on methods of computational intelligence, mainly recurrent neural networks and the evolutionary algorithm. Implementation of these methods in Mathematica is shown. The recurrent neural networks represent a group of artificial neural networks capable of handling time-context-based data. How to implement such time contexts in neural networks in Mathematica environment is described. The second part of the presentation describes the continual evolution algorithm as a modification of the standard genetic algorithm and its application to the recurrent neural networks optimization. Selected parts of implementation and demonstration application in Mathematica are presented.


| RecurrentNeuralNetworksOptimization.zip (1.4 MB) - ZIP archive |