 Using Mathematica with Teenagers

Organization: | Torrey Pines High School |
 2007 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign, IL
 Abstract For many years Mathematica has been a fantastic tool for illustrating concepts and exploring examples in my high school mathematics classes. Recently I have been working in partnership with Wolfram Research to develop new math classes where students have access to the latest hardware and software technology to create notebooks for learning mathematics, providing community service to our school, and having fun. The interactive and dynamic features of Mathematica 6 are ideal for educational settings. Students light up with excitement when they see in motion concepts they have only been able to imagine in their minds. Once they are shown the basics they thoroughly enjoy using Manipulate and are eager to learn more. In this presentation I will describe some of my history of using Mathematica and the different ways it can be applied in class. I have also developed several demonstrations for algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus that I will share as examples of where this new technology can lead and how it can be used by teachers without knowing the details of programming. My high school and middle school students have created several of their own projects already this year and I am pleased to share their work on their behalf. Please note that five of my high school students will also be presenting their work at this conference. Look for the presentation "Mathematica Projects by High School Students" by Jamie Ding, Vivian Feig, Alan Joyce, Victoria Le, and Ernest Lee.


 http://www.wolfram.com/news/events/techconf2007/ http://math.sduhsd.net/MathematiClub/

| UsingMathematicaWithTeenagers.nb (5.2 MB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 6.0] |