 Connection Technologies Workshop

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | Kernel Technology |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
 2006 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 This is a hands-on session for programmers who are using connection technologies (J/Link, .NET/Link or MathLink) or those who want to get started. Wolfram Research staff experts will be on hand to assist you, whether you are just learning or are already working with a complex problem. We can review your code, suggest alternative methods, help track down bugs, or just show you some of the possibilities these technologies bring to Mathematica. Simple challenges will be posed to motivate those who do not have a project of their own.

 .NETLink, JLink, J/Link, MathLink

| External Exercises 06.nb (408.2 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 6.0] | | JLinkWorkshopActivities.zip (210.6 KB) - ZIP archive [for Mathematica 6.0] | | NETLinkWorkshopActivities.zip (5.6 KB) - ZIP archive [for Mathematica 6.0] | | Using The Mathematica Kernel from C 06.nb (430 KB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 6.0] |