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Parallelization with Mathematica

Roman Maeder
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Department: Kernel Technology

2006 Wolfram Technology Conference
Conference location

Champaign IL

Parallel Computing Toolkit is a Mathematica AddOn that allows users to develop and run parallel computations entirely in Mathematica. It provides a high-level language for expressing parallel algorithms in a machine-independent way. The presentation discusses the features of Parallel Computing Toolkit and gives examples of applications.

*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Wolfram Research Applications > Parallel Computing Toolkit
*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Wolfram Research Applications > gridMathematica
*Wolfram Technology > Special Versions > gridMathematica
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PCT-WTC06.nb (4.5 MB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 5.2]