 Numerical Study of the Pseudo-p-Laplace Operator

Organization: | Západočeská univerzita v Plzni |
 2006 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 The topic of this talk is the study of the pseudo-p-Laplace operator a. This nonlinear differential operator is an anisotropic version of the well-known p-Laplace operator. A numerical approximation of the eigenpair associated with the nonlinear eigenvalue problem *equation omitted here* computed on a rectangle by the Fourier method with usage of an adaptive shooting method is discussed.

 Pseudo-P-Laplace operator, nonlinear differential operator, anisotropic, nonlinear eigenvalue problem, Fourier method

| PseudoPLaplace.zip (7.3 MB) - ZIP archive [for Mathematica 5.2] |