 Mathematica as a Tactical Weapon in Large Corporate Warfare: Creating Information Graphics with Mathematica

Organization: | Electronic Arts |
 2006 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign, IL
 As a new employee in a large corporation (Electronic Arts), one needs to make a difference to get noticed. What better tool than Mathematica to quickly point out the mistakes your coworkers are making and separate the productive ones from the lazy bunch. In a light-hearted style, Sarah will show how she connected Mathematica to key applications used in software development, including the source control database (Perforce), issue tracker (DevTrack), and project management tools (Microsoft Project). The Mathematica code is executed automatically every hour or every day, and the results are generated as large printable PDF documents and in the form of web pages where tooltips provide the details. This code uses the latest and future features of Mathematica. The high-level aspects of the language enabled Sarah to focus on the satisfaction of her customers, iterating on custom graphic visualizations. Within Electronic Arts, those graphics are now defining new standards in software architecture, project scheduling, activity monitoring, and the level of separation between distinct but related development lines. This talk will show how Mathematica is much more than a symbolic programming language, as it enables rapid prototyping, connecting to multiple information systems while demonstrating robust and superior output capabilities. In view of the success of those graphics at Electronic Arts, Sarah now needs to hire another Mathematica programmer, so if you know anyone interested, please make sure you attend the talk!


| Flannery_TechConf2006_slideshow.nb (2.2 MB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 6.0] |
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