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Interactive Mathematics in High School: Teaching and Learning with Mathematica

Abigail Brown
Organization: Torrey Pines High School
Department: Mathematics
URL: http://www.abbymath.com

2006 Wolfram Technology Conference
Conference location

Champaign IL

Students learn in different ways. Many mathematical concepts require dynamic thinking for deep understanding and this can be challenging for students. The new interactive capabilities of Mathematica help make mathematics come to life. Ideas described in class or illustrated on the chalkboard now may be manipulated directly and can easily demonstrate something that would otherwise take many examples and hand gestures to explain.

I am a high school mathematics teacher, and this summer I had the opportunity to work with Wolfram Research to develop materials for high school students and teachers. In this presentation I will share interactive demonstrations that illustrate concepts from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. These examples exhibit several of the new functions coming in the future Mathematica release.

My students also use Mathematica in lessons designed to practice concepts and in their own project presentations. Other ways I use Mathematica with my students include notebooks accompanying lecture notes, materials posted on my website www.abbymath.com, and interactive pages on my a site www.MathRules.org.

Please note that four of my students will also be presenting their work at this conference. Look for the presentation “Mathematica Projects by High School Students” by Ryan Chuang, Samantha Patterson, Jenny Tan, and Jeffrey Tsao.

*Education > Precollege
*Wolfram Technology > Front End > Dynamic

teaching, high school, dynamic, interactivity, Manipulate
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InteractiveMathematics.nb (3.6 MB) - Mathematica Notebook [for Mathematica 6.0]