 Rule-Based Programming

Organization: | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Department: | Radon Institute for Computational Applied Mathematics |
Organization: | Johannes Kepler University |
Department: | Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC-Linz) |
 2004 International Mathematica Symposium
 Banff, Canada
 Recent years have witnessed renewed developments of the rule-based programming style, addressing both its theoretical foundations and its practical implementations. New rule-based programming languages have emerged, and several practical applications have shown that rules are indeed a useful programming tool. We believe that Mathematica has the right basic ingredients for supporting rule-based programming efficiently. Because the main features of a true rule-based programming language are still missing, we developed a Mathematica package, ρLog, which enables advanced rule-based programming within Mathematica. We describe here the capabilities of ρLog and illustrate its usage with several examples.

 rule-based programming, programming language
