 Electron Optical Properties of Monopole, Dipole, and Quadrupole Lenses

Organization: | Peking University |
 2004 International Mathematica Symposium
 Banff, Canada
 In this paper, analytical formulas and numerical values are derived and calculated by Mathematica for electron optical properties of monopole, dipole, and quadrupole lenses. The work is based upon the basic concepts and expressions in electron optics and focused on how to use Mathematica to solve the complicated electron optical problems. All the numerical results have been proved to be correct by the differential algebraic method. The paper comes to the conclusion that the rigorous analytical solutions of these lenses have been found by Mathematica and that some of Crewe's results are only good approximations with computational accuracy of 1% or better.

 electron optics, monopole lenses, quadrupole lenses, dipole lenses, differential algebraic method, Crewe

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