 Interactive Debugging of Automatically Generated Numerical Code

Organization: | University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
 2004 International Mathematica Symposium
 Banff, Canada
 The paper presents some aspects of interactive debugging and analyzing of automatically generated numerical codes. One of the primal uses of Mathematica is also automatic derivation and generation of numerical codes in various compiled languages. The standard way in which Mathematica works is to evaluate a single expression completely, which can be then analyzed and printed in a required format. If the problem is complex with potentially hundreds of expressions, and it includes loops and branching, then more sophisticated procedures for analyzing and interactive run time debugging are required. New approaches were implemented into the Mathematica packages AceGen that is used for automatic generation of numerical codes and Computational Templates that includes a finite element environment. AceGen extends collections of forms in which Mathematica can give output with an expression browser, where automatically generated auxiliary variables are represented as active areas (buttons) which can be further explored. During run time the current values of the auxiliary variables can be presented instead of the formulas.

 interactive debugging, automatically generated numerical code, automatica derivation, AceGen
