 Interfacing Wavelet Atelier

Organization: | Japan Information Processing Service Co., Ltd. |
Organization: | Tokyo Denki University |
Department: | Department of Information Environment Integration and Design |
 2004 International Mathematica Symposium
 Banff, Canada
 We discuss some technical aspects related to the interface of Wavelet Atelier, a dynamical website of wavelets, created by the authors. Among many wavelet packages of mathematical software, Wavelet Atelier's most distinguishing feature is that it uses Mathematica's capability of handling symbolic expressions. This is a crucial ingredient in learning subjects such as wavelet theory which has a deep mathematical foundation. Thus, in our Wavelet Atelier, students can learn wavelets by looking at examples in mathematical expressions and numerical examples side by side, or jump around using numerous links provided. Engineers can concentrate more on how to use wavelets to generate realistic signals, and try their own data. We have also developed Signal Processing Atelier, which is a companion website of Wavelet Atelier, showing features of signal processing in general. Links are also provided from wavelet pages to signal processing pages. We demonstrate that webMathematica is an ideal environment for our purposes.

 wavelet, wavelet theory, wavelet atelier, signal processing, webMathematica

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