 Visualization tools in rational mechanics learning

Organization: | Department of Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Uniersity of Salerno |
Organization: | Universita degli Studi di Salerno |
Department: | DIIMA - Dipartimento diIngegneria dell'Informazione e Matematica Applicata |
Organization: | Department of Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Uniersity of Salerno |
 2004 International Mathematica Symposium
 Banff, Canada
 The aim of this work is to show how Mathematica and its graphical potentialities can aid students in learning some concepts of rational mechanics through the resolution of exercises in an enjoyable way. The basic idea is that a student can learn in a more stimulating way by manipulating data and observing the results. Students can construct their knowledge step by step, interacting with the notebook, inserting data and waiting for the response.

 visualization, rational mechanics learning
