 Mathematica in Education

Organization: | MathWare, Ltd. |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | User Interface Group |
Organization: | Wolfram Research |
 2005 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 This hands-on session is aimed at those interested in the use of Mathematica in education. Harnessing the new features of a developmental version of Mathematica, the Mathematica for Teens project team is working with a small group of high school students to enthuse and familiarize them with the Mathematica programming environment. Using interactive programs, the students were first given the chance to experience Mathematica without the burden of coding or programming. In this way they were engagingly introduced to mathematical concepts such as Cartesian coordinates, slopes of functions, and so on. The idea was to entice the students into wanting to explore and modify the code behind the working examples provided. Through discussion with the instructors and among the students, they get to create examples of their own. In the process, they not only pick up a few Mathematica commands but also enrich their understanding and enjoyment of mathematics. In this session, attendees will get to meet a few of the students involved and together look at some of the materials that were created along the way.

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