 A number of new features have recently been added to the MathWorld website. These enhancements are the result of several years of effort by the MathWorld team, led by MathWorld author and creator Eric Weisstein, and assisted by math on the web developer John Renze and MathWorld associate Ed Pegg, Jr. Some of the new functionality has been developed with partial support from a National Science Digital Library grant from the National Science Foundation to researchers at the University of Illinois math and engineering libraries and Wolfram Research. This talk will highlight some of the recent additions that might be of special interest to educators and students and, in particular, the new MathWorld Classroom (mathworld.wolfram.com/classroom) and MathWorld interactive entries (mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/webMathematicaExamples.html). Comments and suggestions about the website and its contents are, as always, most welcome and can be communicated either directly to Eric or via MathWorld’s comment and suggestion form.