 The Neural Network Package: How to Integrate Package Commands with Normal Mathematica Computations

Organization: | Chalmers University of Technology |
 2004 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 Neural Networks (www.wolfram.com/products/applications/neuralnetworks/) is a tool to train, visualize, and validate neural network models. It supports a comprehensive set of neural network structures in the Mathematica environment. This talk first gives a very short overview of the package and then illustrates how the user can combine pure Mathematica commands with neural network algorithms so that the package does not become a standalone neural network tool but a strong tool for modeling and data manipulation. There are possibilities to modify the package commands using options, but one can also have pure Mathematica manipulations of intermediate neural networks commutations.

 Neural Networks

| NeuralNetworks2004.nb (1.8 MB) - Presentation notebook | | jonassjobergNNets.nb (365.9 KB) - Abstract of talk |