 A Real-Time Unsupervised Learning Application and Reporting System: A Mathematica-Based Decision, Control, and Information System

Organization: | Pronto Analytics, Inc |
Organization: | Hewlett-Packard Company |
 2004 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 This presentation will discuss a Mathematica-based decision, control, and information system created to support the analysis of x-ray images of solder joints in an electronics manufacturing environment, and other sources of information related to the quality of other manufacturing processes. The presentation describes the main challenges, the solutions provided, and the main accomplishments in the goal of making correct decisions in real time, and to identify and understand the main opportunity areas in different manufacturing processes and different time frames, based on different sources of information. In peak times, the system processes megabytes of data per minute by applying an HP-proprietary, unsupervised multivariate method to the data that must be analyzed as a set of thousands of multivariate statistical populations. The system also reports results in real time and other time frames, using many graphical solutions designed to facilitate the understanding and analysis of data. The standard graphical reporting solutions are available to the engineering community, who can also make custom computerized requests to the system to perform analyses from several sources of information for any time frame.

 electronics manufacturing

| TechConf_Conference_2004_final.zip (2.1 MB) - Presentation notebook [for Mathematica 5.0] | | arielsepulveda.nb (366.3 KB) - Abstract of talk |