 Symbolic Differential Equations

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | Kernel Technology |
 2004 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 Several enhancements have been made to Mathematica's symbolic differential equation solver, DSolve, which allow us to handle wider classes of Abel ODEs and hypergeometric-type ODEs. The new algorithms combine the method of equivalence with standard coordinate transformation techniques to solve a variety of problems that occur in applications. Another new feature is that complete integral solutions for important classes of first-order nonlinear partial differential equations can now be found using DSolve. The talk will discuss these developments, and we will provide examples illustrating the new functionality.


| DSolveTechConfTalkOct212004.nb (963.3 KB) - Presentation notebook [for Mathematica 5.1] | | dkapadia.nb (365.5 KB) - Abstract of talk |