 The forthcoming Version 2.0 of the Digital Image Processing application package will feature a substantial number of new functions and important enhancements to many existing functions, both in speed and capabilities, while retaining ease of use and compatibility with the latest versions of Mathematica. This talk will present several of these new capabilities and enhancements. Key new features Image segmentation—watershed transform, distance transform, region labeling, Canny and Shen-Castan edge detectors, new threshold operators and derivative filters. Image restoration—several of the best-known image restoration algorithms including inverse, minimum mean-square error (Wiener), constrained least squares, geometric mean and Lucy-Richardson. Power spectrum—several nonparametric methods for computing the power spectrum of an n-dimensional array including classic periodogram, averaging periodogram (Welch), modified averaging periodogram (Bartlett), and smoothing periodogram (Blackman and Tukey). Connectivity—translator for Java's BufferedImage class and Sun's Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) library.