 Solving Advanced Physics Problems with Mathematica

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | Scientific Information Group |
 2004 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 Many modern physics problems can be reduced to carrying out both numerical and symbolical calculations. Over the last 16 years, Mathematica has acquired a large body of algorithmic, numeric, symbolic, and special function “knowledge.” With a proper approach, Mathematica can be used very successfully to solve a large variety of research‐level physics problems, including larger numerical ones that only a few years ago were only solvable on large supercomputers. The four-volume Mathematica GuideBooks contain a collection of these type of examples. A selection of these examples, how to approach them within Mathematica, and how a Mathematica approach is different from a classical “paper and pencil” or procedural programming approach are discussed.

 Physics problems, Hofstadter butterflies, Organic shapes from simple rules, Closed orbits of the three-body problem, Quantum carpets, High-order perturbation theory, A sliding spinning coin, Operator splitting-evolution in a smooth three-well potential, Brain growth model, Eigenmodes of a vibrating tetrahedron

| TechConfTalk.nb (10.2 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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