 Symbolic and Symbolic-Numeric Calculations in Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Ecology

Organization: | Perm State University |
 2003 International Mathematica Symposium
 Imperial College, London
 It is known that a lot of mathematical calculations must be processed during the practical use of exact and approximate methods that are designed to analyze different deterministic and random phenomena in dynamical systems. The present paper describes some schemes for such analysis, each requiring an application of the computer algebra package Mathematica for long-term symbolic and symbolic-numeric computations. Here we consider tasks mainly connected with the stochastic analysis of various effects such as: the estimation of sensitivity; water pollution; the calculation of some numeric characteristics of multi-dimensional random vectors; and tasks concerned with finding stochastic potentials.

 stochastic analysis, estimation of sensitivity, water pollution, multi-dimensional random vectors, applied mathematics, mechanics, ecology, deterministic phenomena, random phenomena, dynamical systems, long-term symbolic, symbolic-numeric computations

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