 Complex 2D Walks based on Context Independent L-Systems

Organization: | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Organization: | Rovaniemi Polytechnic |
Department: | School of Technology |
 2003 International Mathematica Symposium
 Imperial College, London
 We report here a method of generating 2D walks based on context independent L-systems for two or four letter alphabets. Binary strings (words) are mapped to strings over a four letter alphabet by two separate techniques. 2D walks are generated from the resulting quaternary strings by assigning vectors to the characters as follows: a->(–1,0), b->(1,0), c->(0,–1), d->(0,1). In the case of long strings obtained by iterating endomorphisms, one may also use vectors for image words of letters. A walk is generated by adding up the vectors of sequential characters in a word through a regular grid and coloring the cells at which the vectors terminate. Plots of distance from the origin versus string position provide a rapid means for comparison of the strings resulting from different L-systems. Here one may also use matrix multiplication in a powerful way. We examine the 2D walks from a variety of L-systems and provide examples of considerably complex paths from simple L-systems. Square-free strings over four letters can result in both simple and highly complex 2D walks.

 2D walks, context independent L-systems, binary strings, endomorphisms, matrix multiplication

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