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Hero's Method: An Introduction to Mathematica Programming

Murray Eisenberg
Organization: University of Massachusetts

2003 International Mathematica Symposium
Conference location

Imperial College, London

One rich and memorable example can be a more effective tool for learning, or teaching, a body of concepts and techniques than a multitude of separate little examples. Hero's method — a simple iterative algorithm for estimating square roots — serves as an exemplary topic for introducing principles of Mathematica in general, and of programming in Mathematica in particular. Among the ideas introduced are: Mathematica's symbolic, numeric, and graphical aspects; function definition; list manipulation; functional, procedural, and recursive programming paradigms; and graphical programming.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis

Hero's method, teaching, symbolic, numeric, and graphical aspects, function definition, list manipulation, functional, procedural, and recursive programming paradigms, and graphical programming.
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