 Visualization for Math-Education using Mathematica

Organization: | Inje University |
Department: | School of Computer Aided Science and Mathematica Technical and Training Center |
Organization: | Inje University |
Department: | School of Computer Aided Science |
 2003 International Mathematica Symposium
 Imperial College, London
 In this paper, we give examples of models we have created for use in university mathematics courses. We visualize the area of the unit circle, estimate the area of a figure by probabilistic simulation and consider the relation between sound and trigonometry. We give interesting, visual, meaningful and effective models for teaching the above subjects, which are obtained by the powerful functions of Mathematica such as animation of graphics, variety of visualization and speed of computation. This paper illustrates how one can use Mathematica to visualize abstract mathematical concepts, thus enabling students’ effective understanding in the mathematics classroom. Development of these kinds of teaching and learning models can stimulate the students’ curiosity about Mathematics and increase their interest.

 visualization, area, probabilistic simulation

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