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Is Small Small Enough? Conceptualisation of the Continuous by Means of the Discrete

Ivy Kidron
Organization: Jerusalem College of Technology

2003 International Mathematica Symposium
Conference location

Imperial College, London

In this paper, we analyze the influence of applying the double strand discrete-continuous on College students' conceptual understanding of central notions in analysis such as limit and derivative. The research is done in the context of a course on differential equations. Our aim is to analyze how using Mathematica, while iterating the simplest mathematical expression such as quadratic functions, the students are introduced to the great beauty of the field of dynamical systems and to a better understanding of convergence problems.

*Education > College
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Dynamical Systems

double strand discrete-continuous, analysis, limit, derivative, differential equations, quadratic functions, dynamical systems, convergence problems
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