 Stepwise Maths Exercises on the Web

Organization: | Universita degli Studi di Salerno |
Department: | DIIMA - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Matematica Applicata |
Organization: | Universita degli Studi di Salerno |
Department: | DIIMA - Dipartimento diIngegneria dell'Informazione e Matematica Applicata |
Organization: | Universita degli Studi di Salerno |
Department: | DIIMA - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Matematica Applicata |
 2003 International Mathematica Symposium
 Imperial College, London
 In this paper we want to show an e-learning application, MoMAM@th, to support teaching/learning of mathematics on the web. MoMAM@th exposes to the user an infinite set of interactive exercises, randomly generated on-the-fly, referring to specific topics. The innovation of this application is in using exercises that are split into simple steps. At each step the software guides the student towards the solution of the problem and the student is required to interact, filling some blank boxes. In this way MoMAM@th can follow the reasoning of the student and at the same time helps him/her in each single step. webMathematica is the engine used to develop MoMAM@th.

 stepwise math exercises, web, e-learning application, MoMAM@th, teaching, learning, interactive exercises, webMathematica

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