 The Method of Meshless Fundamental Solutions with Sources at Infinity

Organization: | Positive Corporation Limited |
Organization: | Wessex Institute of Technology |
 2003 International Mathematica Symposium
 Imperial College, London
 The method of external source collocation is used to solve a discretised boundary value problem, ∇2U=0, where U is the potential in a two-dimensional simply-connected region D, subject to a mixture of Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions. Numerical analysis has, to date, been hindered by an accumulation of round-off error, which has made it impossible to investigate accuracy of the Meshless Fundamental Solutions method unless sources are near the boundary. Symbolic analysis allows a full investigation of ill-conditioned systems in which sources can be placed “at infinity”. This analysis provides an indication of how many sources must be used and where they should be placed.

 external source collocation, Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions, numerical analysis, Meshless Fundamental Solutions, symbolic analysis
