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On Classical and Exceptional Semisimple Lie Algebras

Dr Medhat Ahmed Rakha
Organization: Sultan Qaboos University
Department: Department of Mathematics and Statistics

2001 Workshop on Mathematica in Education and Research
Conference location

Ismailia, Egypt

Numerical procedures for obtaining the root systems of both classical and exceptional Lie algebras are slow and tedious when done by hand. This is a contribution in the field that uses a modern computer language Mathematica. This gives the benefits of high portability, efficiency and makes it easier to use either classical or exceptional Lie algebras in user notebook. Root systems, Positive roots and their sum, Simple roots, Cartan's matrices, highest and Fundamental Weights are all calculated in the notebook.

*Mathematics > Algebra > Group Theory

Egypt, Education, Research, Semisimple Lie Algebras, Root systems, Positive roots and their sum, Simple roots, Cartan's matrices, highest and Fundamental Weights
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liealgebra.nb (19.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook