 Recent Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Wavelet Transforms

Organization: | Inje University |
Department: | Mathematica Technical and Training Center and School of Computer Aided Science |
Organization: | Inje University |
Department: | Mathematica Technical and Training Center and School of Computer Aided Science |
Organization: | Inje University |
Department: | Mathematica Technical and Training Center and School of Computer Aided Science |
Organization: | Inje University |
Department: | Mathematica Technical and Training Center and School of Computer Aided Science |
 2002 Applications of Computer Algebra Conference (ACA '2002)
 Volos, Greece
 It is very important to extract distinct and local characteristics (minutiae) from fingerprint images to construct an automatic fingerprint identification and recognition system. The distinct characteristics are usually classified as arch, right-delta, left-delta, whorl, and transient. On the other hand, the minutiae in the fingerprint pattern are local discontinuities such as terminations and bifurcation. First we review a binarization-based approach composed of four steps: local histogram equalization ,median filtering, binarization and thinning, and post processing to obtain correct ridgeline flows. In this work, we use the wavelet transforms and wavelet packet transforms to obtain those of distinct and local characteristics in the fingerprint images. The wavelet scalar quantization (WSQ) which was originally adopted by the U.S. government FBI is focused on the compression ratio. As it stands, the wavelettransform including the wavelet packet transform gives us powerful techniques for edge detection, edge enhancement and image identification and recognition. We use the MS Visual C++ in a binarization-based approach. Finally we emphasize that two Mathematica packages of Wavelet Explorer and Digital Image Processing are mainly used for our purpose.

 automatic fingerprint identification, recognition system, arch, right-delta, left-delta, whorl, transient, wavelet packet transform, Wavelet Explorer, Digital Image Processing
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