 Hamiltonian Systems in the webMathematica applications

Organization: | Izmir Institute of Technology |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
 2002 Applications of Computer Algebra Conference (ACA '2002)
 Volos, Greece
 WebMathematica is a new web-based technology developed by Wolfram Research that allows the generation of dynamic web content with Mathematica . It contains a large collection of functions for computing in many areas, such as numerical, symbolic, and graphical functions. All of this functionality can be made available over the web. With this technology, the distance students should be able to explore and experiment with some of the mathematical concepts. The advent of multimedia and information and communication technology (ICT) has brought a radical change in how information can be presented and communicated and, more importantly, in the capability of the learner to record, access and retrieve it. Technology is no longer an issue as we have more technology than we know how to use and the focus must be directed towards what matter most - effective learning and good teaching. This presentation will elucidate the pedagogical issues in the application of Hamiltonian Systems in the webMathematica for the distance learning environment and the shape of the future “classroom” as well as relevant educational strategies towards improving mathematics education.

 information and communication technology (ICT), Hamiltonian Systems, distance learning
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