 Finite and Infinite Series with Mathematica: A Tutorial

Organization: | Carnegie-Mellon University |
Department: | Computer Science |
 1992 Mathematica Developer Conference
 Boston, MA
 This tutorial is intended as an introduction to symbolic summation within Mathematica. It discusses possibilities of the package Algebra.m. The tutorial does not assume detailed knowledge of the Mathematica system, but knowledge of the mathematics is needed. Reprint from the Mathematica Conference, June 1992, Boston. 12 pages.

 documentation, tutorial, postscript, 1992 Mathematica Conference 1992, numerical methods, summation, factorial sums, binaomial sums, finite series, infinite series, divergent series, differential equations, definite integration, FinInfSeries.ps

| FinInfSeries.ps (99 KB) - Postscript file |
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