 Some Recent Directions in Technical Computing

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
 2002 World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI 2002)
 Orlando, FL
 While computational software at one time was comprised mostly of numerical codes, modern needs extend well beyond the needs back then--though numerical methods are, of course, still vital and actively researched. A present-day wish list for a technical program might include a smart interface as well as the capability to perform symbolic computation, communicate with other programs, interact with the web, produce all sorts of graphics, serve the different needs of both novice and advanced users, and produce technical documents. Of course, in addition to having all of these features, the system must also be programmable. In recent years, several software systems have migrated in various ways toward supporting many of these desired features. I work on the development team for the general-purpose program Mathematica. In this talk I will touch upon several of the recent trends in technical computing, illustrating with the Mathematica program. I will show some of the directions that we and other companies and research groups are taking with computational software--and perhaps also convey a sense of the excitement we have for this work and its applicability in the technical world.


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