 High-Precision Approximate Solutions for Nonlinear 2 x 2 Systems of First-Order IVPs with Periodic Solutions

Organization: | Technikon Pretoria and the University of Southern Mississippi |
Organization: | Tshwane University of Technology, Arcadia Campus, South Africa |
Organization: | Technikon Pretoria, South Africa |
 2001 Mathematica Developer Conference
 Champaign, IL
 We provide an interactive routine for producing high-precision approximate solutions (truncated Fourier Series) for low degree nonlinear 2x2 systems of first-order ODEs (IVPs) with periodic solutions. The routine is primarily meant for use in the classroom by undergraduate and graduate students, but might also be usefull to technologists and scientists working with such systems for which no obvious closed-form solution exists.


| joubert.nb (149 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |