 Modelling, Analysis & Prototyping for Rapid Manufacturing

Organization: | Defence R&D Canada |
Organization: | The Object People |
 2001 Mathematica Developer Conference
 Champaign, IL
 A prototype Mathematica package for building finite element (FE) models was introduced in the 1997 Developer Conference. This package has matured to the point where it has already been used in product development. The package permits building parametric models, where the FE database contains both numeric data and symbolic Mathematica expressions which can be used to morph the model geometry. The package was originally developed for sonar transducer modelling, but it is open and extensible so that it can support a range of external solvers. Extensive online documentation is now available from the Help Browser. An update on the Model Maker package will be presented, with examples to illustrate potential uses.


| purcell.nb (5.3 MB) - Mathematica Notebook |