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MathCode C++

Mats Jirstrand
Organization: MathCore Engineering AB
URL: http://www.mathcore.com

1999 Mathematica Developer Conference
Conference location

Champaign, IL

In this demonstration an overview of the application package MathCode C++ will be given. MathCode C++ generates optimized C++ code from Mathematica programs. Basic functionality as well as application examples, all from a user-oriented point of view, will be covered. The objective is to demonstrate some of what can be achieved by combining powerful algorithm development and visualization in Mathematica with optimized code generation from MathCode C++. In this demonstration, an overview will be given of possible uses of the application package MathCode C++, which generates optimized C++ code from Mathematica programs. We will list the program's basic functionality and give examples of what kind of users benefit from the possibilities that MathCode C++ can provide. The demo includes some application examples to illustrate the usage of MathCode C++. The objective of this talk is to give a flavor of what can be done with code generation with the powerful algorithm development and visualization environment that Mathematica provides.

*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Applications from Independent Developers > MathCode C++

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