 Tips for TCP-IP (Technical Report)

 Mathematica uses the MacTCP driver to allow you to connect to remote kernels. Since this feature allows you to configure your connection in a variety of ways, you may encounter some problems when trying to get Mathematica to work across your network for the first time. This document tries to make this process as easy as possible for you. It will assist you in setting up MacTCP on a Macintosh equipped with an Ethernet device or a Macintosh connected via LocalTalk to a DDP/IP gateway (such as a Shiva FastPath or Cayman GatorBox). (MacTCP is distributed with the Macintosh version of Mathematica. Additional relevant documentation is the MacTCP Administrator's Guide, available from the APDA division of Apple Computer. (800) 282-2732.)

 TCP-IP, Macintosh, MacTCP, remote kernel, kernel, remote, networks, TCP/IP, TCP, IP, front end, technical reports, tech report, documentation, tutorial, 1992 Mathematica Conference 1992, postscript

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