 Predicting the Eclipse: A Multimillennium Tale of Computation

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |

 Preface When Exactly Will the Eclipse Happen? A Multimillennium Tale of Computation Preparing for April 8, 2024 It's an Old Business Why Do Eclipses Happen? Ancient History The Dawn of Modern Science The Three-Body Problem The Math Gets More Serious Can the Three-Body Problem Be Solved? Approaching Modern Times Why Not Just Solve It? The Real Earth-Moon-Sun Problem How It's Really Done Where Will the Eclipse Be? When Will the Eclipse Arrive? Eclipse Experiences Appendix A: Eclipse Computation in the Wolfram Language The Basics Lots of Eclipses The Eclipse from First Principles Appendix B: Analyzing Eclipse Data The 2017 Eclipse My First Eclipse Appendix C: Maps for the Eclipse of April 8, 2024 Appendix D: Table of Eclipses Index
 Total eclipses of the Sun are rare and dramatic—and on April 8, 2024, one will cross the US. But when exactly will it happen? In this short but richly illustrated book, prominent scientist and computation pioneer Stephen Wolfram tells the triumphant and hard-won story—spanning more than two thousand years—of how science, mathematics and computation have brought us to the point where we can now predict the time of the eclipse to within one second. Learn how the problem of eclipses brought us some of the earliest exact science, the first known computer, contributions from many of the all-time greats of mathematics and physics, and critical technology for the space program. See how all this provides a clear, modern understanding of a phenomenon that has surprised and amazed throughout human history.

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