 Showcases the creation of analytical and numerical solutions for ordinary and partial differential equations while demonstrating how to generate graphical visualizations using Wolfram's Mathematica®. Expertly written by Professor Emeritus Mureşan, the book is packed with problems and examples. The book is for researchers, undergraduate, graduate and PhD students, and those with an interest in this topic. Mathematica® and Differential Equations is conveniently divided into two parts: the first focuses on ordinary differential equations and the second on partial differential equations. Professor Emeritus Marian Mureșan is an author, award-winning researcher, and speaker focused on mathematical analysis, optimal control, nonsmooth analysis, nonsmooth methods in economics, Mathematica®, nonlinear optimization, ordinary and partial differential equations, special functions, challenging mathematics problems for students, linear algebra and curves and surfaces in R³. His most recent books include Introduction to Mathematica® with Applications (Springer, London, 2017) and A Concrete Approach to Classical Analysis (Springer, New York, 2009).