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An Invitation to Mathematical Biology

David G. Costa
Paul J. Schulte
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Publisher: Springer
Copyright year: 2023
ISBN: 9783031402586
Medium: ebook
Pages: 124
Out of print?: N
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The textbook is designed to provide a "non-intimidating" entry to the field of mathematical biology. It is also useful for those wishing to teach an introductory course. Although there are many good mathematical biology texts available, most books are too advanced mathematically for most biology majors. Unlike undergraduate math majors, most biology major students possess a limited math background. Given that computational biology is a rapidly expanding field, more students should be encouraged to familiarize themselves with this powerful approach to understand complex biological phenomena. Ultimately, our goal with this undergraduate textbook is to provide an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of mathematical biology in a way that does not overly terrify an undergraduate biology major, thereby fostering a greater appreciation for the role of mathematics in biology.

*Science > Biology