 Mathematica for Physicists and Engineers provides the basic concepts of Mathematica for scientists and engineers, highlights Mathematica's several built-in functions, demonstrates mathematical concepts that can be employed to solve problems in physics and engineering, and addresses problems in basic arithmetic to more advanced topics such as quantum mechanics. The text views mathematics and physics through the eye of computer programming, fulfilling the needs of students at master's levels and researchers from a physics and engineering background and bridging the gap between the elementary books written on Mathematica and the reference books written for advanced users. Mathematica for Physicists and Engineers contains information on: • Basics to Mathematica, its nomenclature and programming language, and possibilities for graphic output • Vector calculus; solving real, complex and matrix equations and systems of equations; and solving quantum mechanical problems in infinite-dimensional linear vector spaces • Differential and integral calculus in one and more dimensions and the powerful but elusive DiracDelta function • Fourier and Laplace transform, two integral transformations that are instrumental in many fields of physics and engineering for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations Serving as a complete first course in Mathematica to solve problems in science and engineering, Mathematica for Physicists and Engineers is an essential learning resource for students in physics and engineering; master's students in material sciences, geology, and biological sciences; and theoretical chemists.