 Mathematica by Example


 Getting Started; Basic Operations on Numbers, Expressions, and Functions; Calculus; Introduction to Lists and Tables; Matrices and Vectors: Topics from Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus; Applications Related to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations; Bibliography; Index
 Mathematica by Example, Sixth Edition is an essential resource for the Mathematica user, providing step-by-step instructions on achieving results from this powerful software tool. The book fully accounts for the changes to functionality and visualization capabilities and accommodates the full array of new extensions in the types of data and problems that Mathematica can immediately handle, including cloud services and systems, geographic and geometric computation, dynamic visualization, interactive applications and other improvements. It is an ideal text for scientific students, researchers, and aspiring programmers seeking further understanding of Mathematica. Written by seasoned practitioners with a view to practical implementation and problem-solving, the book's pedagogy is delivered clearly and without jargon using representative biological, physical and engineering problems. Code is provided on an ancillary website to support the use of Mathematica across diverse applications and subject areas.

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