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Analysis with Mathematica: Volume 3: Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, and Special Functions

Galina Filipuk
Andrzej Kozłowski
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Publisher: De Gruyter
Copyright year: 2022
ISBN: 9783110774542
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 275
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1. Graphics in Mathematica®
2. Regions in Mathematica®
3. Differential equations
4. Differential geometry of curves and surfaces in Mathematica®
5. Elements of the theory of special functions
6. Elliptic functions
7. Elements of complex analysis

This book is devoted to applications: differential equations, elements of special functions and differential geometry of curves and surfaces with a specific focus on visualization in Mathematica®. Discusses how Mathematica® can be used as an aid in solving mathematical problems and discovering a solution. A complete tutorial provides the background needed for understanding the examples and how to compute in Mathematica®.

This book focusses on applications of Mathematica in differential geometry and differential equations. Students learn how to solve mathematical problems with a computer algebra system. Contains a vast collection of worked-out examples.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Differential Equations
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Differential Geometry