 Annotation to the book "Discrete Mathematics. Learning to program in Wolfram Mathematica" Discrete mathematics is a necessary basis for the career of an applied mathematician and a programmer, and at the same time one of the subjects causing students the greatest difficulties. This tutorial will introduce you to the main concepts and methods of discrete mathematics, as well as give the basics of programming in the mathematical computer environment Mathematica. The theoretical material of the following sections is presented in an accessible form: combinatorics and enumerative combinatorics; data structures - binary heaps and binary search trees - and the main algorithms on them; algorithms for sorting and comparing their complexity; comparisons by module, operations in residue rings and modern encryption methods; graphs and trees. Solutions of problems illustrating the concepts introduced are given, as well as tasks and exercises for independent work. The twelve "programming lessons" show the real program codes that implement all the algorithms introduced earlier. In addition, these lessons show how Mathematica will help in solving various problems of discrete mathematics. The book will be useful to students and university professors, as well as to all who wish to learn how to program using Wolfram Mathematica. Recommended as a textbook for students in the areas of preparation 01.03.02 "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", 01.03.04 "Applied Mathematics", as well as for students from other areas studying the discipline "Discrete Mathematics".