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Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition

Christian Constanda
Book information

Publisher: CRC Press (Boca Raton, FL)
Copyright year: 2016
ISBN: 9781498704953
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 358
Out of print?: N
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Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition remains a top choice for a standard, undergraduate-level course on partial differential equations (PDEs). Making the text even more user-friendly, this third edition covers important and widely used methods for solving PDEs.

New to the Third Edition

* New sections on the series expansion of more general functions, other problems of general second-order linear equations, vibrating string with other types of boundary conditions, and equilibrium temperature in an infinite strip
* Reorganized sections that make it easier for students and professors to navigate the contents
* Rearranged exercises that are now at the end of each section/subsection instead of at the end of the chapter
* New and improved exercises and worked examples
* A brief Mathematica® program for nearly all of the worked examples, showing students how to verify results by computer

This bestselling, highly praised textbook uses a streamlined, direct approach to develop students’ competence in solving PDEs. It offers concise, easily understood explanations and worked examples that allow students to see the techniques in action.

*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Differential Equations