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Introduction to System Simulation with Modelica (Japanese)

Peter Fritzson
Organization: MathCore Engineering AB
Book information

Publisher: TechShare (Japan)
Copyright year: 2015
ISBN: 9784906864058
Medium: Paperback
Pages: 197
Out of print?: N
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This book is the translated version of "Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Technical and Physical Modeling with Modelica", written by professor Peter Fritzson, who is also a board member of Modelica Association. It explains in details the basics of physical modeling with Modelica, physical modeling language that has been increasingly popular in the Western countries. The topic includes the meaning of modeling, the purpose of modeling, common problems, categorization of modeling. Because this book assumes the use of free software, OpenModelica, and contains exercise, it is ideal for those who are new to Modelica, or want to try Modelica.
Translator: Tomohide Hirono
Translation Supervisor (Proofreader): Akira Ohata

*Applied Mathematics > Visualization
*Wolfram Technology > Application Packages > Additional Applications > MathModelica
